Transformation Life Center Emergency Shelter ApplicationPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Name (including any previous names you have used, such as maiden, married, or other legal names) *Date of birth *Phone number *Email *Last address - (Street, City, State, Zip) *What county do you currently reside in within Ohio?" *Other Ohio counties or locations lived in the last 10 years: *Race *Are you Hispanic/Latino? *YesNoGender *Marital statusSingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedOtherSpecial needs you have - check all that apply *Mental IllnessAlcohol AbuseDrug AbuseHIV/AIDS or Related DiseasePhysical DisabilityDomestic ViolencePregnantVictim of Human TraffickingOtherAre you currently in treatment for any physical or mental health disorders? *If yes, please list the name of the treatment agency, doctor, therapist, and/or case manager:Education - highest grade completed: *Are you a United States citizen? *YesNoList medications and reason: *Please explain any physical conditions we should know about: *When did you last have permanent housing? If you are about to be homeless, what is your expected last date of housing? *What circumstances have brought you to the transformation life center? *Where did you stay last night? *Are you a Veteran (US Military)? *YesNoHow long have you been homeless? *Less Than 30 Days1-3 Months3-4 Months4-6 Months6 Months - 1 Year1-2 Years2-5 Years6-10 Years10 Years +How many times have you been homeless?123-56+Have you ever been convicted of a sex crime? *YesNoHave you ever been convicted of a violent offense? *YesNoDo you have any pending criminal charges? *YesNoList any service agencies you are working with: *Do you have a source of income? *YesNoIf yes, from where and how much?Household size (# of Family Members)Please list each household member (Name, Age, Relationship to You). Example: (Jane Doe, 35, SELF), (John Doe, 4, Son) (etc)Submit